Meet Our Founder

Kymechia “Kymee” Bridges, founder of Heavenly Hands Nursing Services is a Masters prepared Registered Nurse with 14 years of experience as a Board Certified Obstetrics Nurse. Kymee is a wife of 18 years and mother to 4 beautiful children. Kymee decided to become a Nurse following the delivery of her first child who developed unforeseen medical issues after delivery. She was greatly impacted by the level of service and care that she received from one particular nurse. Kymee knew then that she wanted to be able to positively impact the lives of others in the same way she was impacted. Over the years, Kymee has provided support to thousands of women delivering their babies in various hospital settings; with one main goal of always advocating and partnering with the mother to have the type of safe and healthy delivery that she desires. 


With years of experience in Labor and Delivery one thing Kymee has learned is having a baby does not always go as "planned". However, Kymee wants every mother to feel supported in her decisions regarding mode of delivery regardless if it is medicated, unmedicated, cesarean section, or vaginally. By trusting in Heavenly Hands Nursing Services to support you during one of your most vulnerable times in your life, you will always have the support you need.

"There's no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one."

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