Advocates of safe and healthy deliveries

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About Us

Heavenly Hands was established in 2022, to provide one o​n one exceptional support services to expecting mothers and their families. 

During the 2020 pandemic the field of Nursing took a drastic turn that shifted the focus and experience of laboring and delivering away from the mother, father and support systems by limiting visitors and interactions. Heavenly Hands wants to restore those intimate moment’s and provide support services to mothers, fathers, and families. Heavenly Hands Nurses bridge the gap between Doula ‘s and Nursing by combining both emotional and physical support while having the educational knowledge to be able to partner with medical staff to ensure the safest delivery for both mother and baby.

 Heavenly hands offers educational  antepartum prenatal classes (before labor) , support services during the intrapartum phrase ( during labor) , and postpartum support ( after delivery). Heavenly Hands offers support services to all communities, backgrounds, and religions.

Choosing a Private Nurse that you can trust during your labor is a big decision.

We hope the testimonials below highlight the emphasis that we place on keeping our mothers-to-be comfortable, informed and safe.

" I would not have been able to get through labor without Kymee's support."

Ashley Smith

During my follow up with Kymee, she gave me advice about my symptoms and ultimately led to my doctor dianosing me with Pregnancy Induce Hypertension"

Simone Woods

“Having Kymee by my side for my labor was the best decision I could have made"

Crystal Matthews

“Women, don’t ever apologize for your behavior or choices during birth. When you OWN your experience and take pride in your journey, you help other women do the same thing. No matter how you did it, you just brought a human being into the world! The world should be kneeling at your feet.” 

— Lauralyn Curtis

Schedule a session for free and see if we’re right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.